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Looking for a Modeler


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I'm looking for someone who can take my drawing, and turn it in to a model ready to be used in game.


The idea for this model is to expand on the super tec Melee weapons we see in game. The idea for this one is a sword variant of the Super Sledge. I call it the Mass Sword, it functions by setting off a piston held in the assembly at the base of the blade in the direction of the swing there by creating more force to punch through armor, and sever limbs. In game I see it as a weapon that would have come into production near the end of the war as a symbol of righteousness, and might i.e. why it has a gold hilt. Then later du in part to its rarity and prestige it had pre wast land it has become a kind of holy relic to the BoS.

The Sword needs to look big, heavy, and imposing about 5 1/2 to 6 feet long. I need it to be one handed as this is a weapon that would have been used in powered armor.

I am planing a mod around this weapon, all I need is the model, and the textures as I can not do this myself.

Thank you all for your time, and here are my concept drawings. Yes I know there in paint but that is really the best art program I have on my PC.






P.S. If anyone could put a red robe bottom on a set of enclave powered armor that would be awesome, and really finish out what I need for my mod!

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That sounds like a pretty cool idea, I think that if someone bothered to make a mechanical sledgehammer, there must have been some use for powerful melee weapons, so why stop there?


also the picture links dont work, try copy/pasting the IMG code so that you dont need to use external links, the pics will just show up in your post.


EDIT: lol, you did it before i even finished typing my post >.<

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