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A Mod Request


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Could anyone Make a Small fort with House.. Ill give an Example (it can be changed in anways with quests or without etc).. Lets say an Area near fort independence stands a small fort made of steel plates 4 towers 2 Buildings inside the wall. Soldiers/guards patrolling on the wall Minigunners or Turrets on the towers 2 Buildings One is your Personal home (a Very big basement (will be explained why) )



second Building a Barracks for the Guards then also a Small shed wich leads to a Sort of vault Like Underground Bunker your basement will or can be conected to it that bunker can contain sleeping quarters Armorys and Possible a doctor and a Raiding Master the Raiding master has a team of a Few Expert soldiers/jack-of-all-trades type of guys wich he Raids with (on your Order) the Loot could be stored in a Storage chamber Lets say then your Guards could Get better equipment after 5 raids (they start with Leather and smgs+hunting rifles?) Maybe ven upgrade it to Metal or combat armor (depends wich is Better) and Laser or chinese rifles


Edit: Maybe instead of Soliders why not mercs? Maybe with some quests you could Become Owner of that Fort/camp and Leader of the mercs ( a way to gain and spend loot/money) PSS:to everyone willing to do this you dont need to make it as it says here a Bit of imagination is Nice you could see this as a request/idea


i hope this explains it a Bit and i also hope im clear enoughg with my words.. well thanks in advance PS : if its unclear just ask if i could explain it Better and i shall try to then

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