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Can someone bring back the old trigger item that used to come with AP?


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I've been looking all over for a mod that made a trigger item or clothing that would fire off a random AP or wsex action between 2 NPC's when one attempts to talk to the other.(Ie during sandboxing) It doesn't have to be a money making mod like the original AP, just something simple that adds more eye candy to my undersea Sexatorium. AP would be preferable only because of the exhaustion that occurs after wsex but either one would be cool as long as it works.
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I've been looking all over for a mod that made a trigger item or clothing that would fire off a random AP or wsex action between 2 NPC's when one attempts to talk to the other.(Ie during sandboxing) It doesn't have to be a money making mod like the original AP, just something simple that adds more eye candy to my undersea Sexatorium. AP would be preferable only because of the exhaustion that occurs after wsex but either one would be cool as long as it works.


One approach that would be cool is a placeable lamp(complete with red light). Make the light radius just big enough to cover a smallish room. Than if a sandboxing companion attempts a simulated conversation with another N/PC AND it detects the light it has a say 75% chance of firing off a random AP action with whoever it was attempting to talk too. The other 25% of the time it just behaves like a normal simulated conversation. If the light is off, or out of range then all conversations attempts could be treated as just the normal simulated chit chat.


I hope someone else likes this idea because I don't know anyone who would turn down a free orgy light hehe. "The pole smoking lamp has been turned on. You may commence smoking"

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