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Far Cry

Far Cry "Wars"


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I used to mod for Crysis using the sandbox, so I have some what of an idea on what it takes to mod.


My idea is pretty simple and it seems like it would be best implemented as an 'end game' mod to make exploring the island after beating the game more fun. And by exploring, I mean using the badass character you created.


1) Create several spawn areas on beaches on both islands

2) Calculate which area is farthest from player. Present user with timer of 5 minutes before bad guys spawn (to get a head start)

3) Spawn 100 bad guys in boats at spawn point furthest from player that will come ashore, get off boat, and walk inland and start patrolling.

4) Create Counter that shows how many of the 100 you have killed

5) Create stats about how long it took to kill the guys

6) Clear bad guys when you leave the game


While this could be made complicated, I think simply spawning 100 baddies (set as 'hostile') on a beach somewhere, specially near a local base (where they will come into contact with the locals) and giving you a reason to try and fly across the island before they come ashore (so you can meet them there in a group) would really liven the game up after you beat it. It'd give you a reason to go to random areas, fully loaded, and start a big, unpredictable gun fight.


If you get there soon enough, you'll find them in a group, so they will be easier to engage with larger weapons. But if you don't, they'll spread out and start patrolling, therefore thinning out how many bad guys you encounter (but making it more difficult to take all 100 down).



Edited by jasonallen19
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