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Create a working hostler

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Hey guys,


currently I am working on a multifollower playerhome and i want to make a working hostler for this mod.

I found the manual from hypno88 which shows step by step to create one, and I wonder if it would work if I simply take the regular stable quest and link my hostler and my horse in this quest the same way like the vanilla hostlers.


-I made my Hostler NPC (and horse), gave my hostler the sellsStable Package from the whiterunHostler and changed the place where he had to work, then I linked my Horse to the XmarkerHeading in my Stable and changed the horse ownership to my stables faction and the persistance to persist all.

(everthing done like the step by step says)



-I took the vanilla stables quest and "aliased" my hostler and my horse like the whiterun hostler and horse, added the needed scripts and Editor IDs to my horsealias and set the properties fitting to mine.

-I duplicated the needed dialog lines and changed the conditions fitting for my hostler


But I dont get the selling dialog from the hostler.


Has anyone an idea what might be wrong?


Thank you and sorry for my bad english...

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Have you already tried with a SEQ-File? If the quest set to start game enabled, it requires a SEQ-File for the dialogue to show up.



I am using the vanilla stables quest, and if i go to i.e. The whiterun hostler Skulvar then the quest works fine, same in Markath, Solitude and so on, only on my stables it does not work :/

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It would be better to make your own quest, to avoid potential conflicts with other mods. Anyway, if you added new dialogue to the stables quest, then a seq file is needed as well.

Ok, tried to create a seq file with SSEedit:


[00:10] Background Loader: [skyrim.esm] Done loading reference info.
[00:10] Background Loader: finished
Skipped: FortMouse.esp doesn't need sequence file
[Create SEQ file done] Processed Plugins: 1, Sequence Files Created: 0
I think i will make a sellquest on my own.
Thank you
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