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Made my "PetWolf" mod, works great but...


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even tho I made wolf .2 bigger than the rest of the wolves it still doesn't feel "unique", just a bit bigger. It's all working great the wolf accepts all the commands (Follow Me, Wait, Go back home) and I was wondering if someone could point me on the right direction to start changing the texture for my wolf. I don't think there should be a problem since I made separate race, skins and all that for the mod so there would be no problems later on.


Any ideas?




PS this is my wolf Cerberos :P



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I managed to unpack the wolf textures for my wolf, I found the one I believe my pet is using (wolf.dds) and as you can see in the screenshot I provide I made the texture much lighter and changed the eye colors to blue.


Now I am lost as to what I should save this as, you can see in the screenshot all my options. Can someone experienced tell me what I should do please?


Thank you.



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K I managed to get it working (15mb more than the original but w/e lol)


Old Texture




New Texture




Now LAST THING I need is how to make this texture UNIQUE to my Pet so that all the other wolves look the same... anybody pleaseeeeeeeeee? thanks!

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Now LAST THING I need is how to make this texture UNIQUE to my Pet so that all the other wolves look the same... anybody pleaseeeeeeeeee? thanks!


You could copy the original wolf nif file and set the textures under NitriShape/BSLightingSomething/BSTextureSomething to your own texture. Then set your wolf race to the new nif. I don't know if this is all but this is all what I remember at the moment.

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Okey guys so after work today I made some progress I guess? lol here we go.


I downloaded Nifskope and open up the only wolf file under the meshes / wolf folder (wolftest.nif) and I found this:




Now my question to all of you experienced modders...


What should I do in order to make my texture unique to my pet?


Make a copy of the file and name it something like wolfpet.nif then remove all the textures in that file and add the one I want for my pet?


or do I add my texture into this file in the same area the other textures are at?


thanks in advanced!

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If you only made a recolor of the wolf you could copy the file and change the first filled texture entry to your own texture. The _n texture is the normal map which adds some 3Dish effects. I am not sure what the _b texture is.


Btw somewhere in the nifscope options you can add the skyrim data folder as texture path. Then the relative texture paths are resolved and you see the textured model in nifscope (if you have unpacked the texture.bsa)

Edited by Fenriks
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I took a further look in what you want to accomplish and it seems I found the best way:


1. The nif you have to modify is \Actors\Canine\Character Assets Wolf\wolf.nif. Here you change the texture to your own texture like described before.

2. In the CreationKit take a look at the armoraddon NakedWolfAA. Duplicate this and set your new nif as biped model and set the race to your PetWolfRace. Uncheck any additional races that may be checked.

3. Look for the armor SkinWolf. Duplicate this too and drag your new armoraddon from the object window to the models box. Delete every other model from there. Set the race to your PetWolfRace.

4. In your PetWolfRace on the body data tab set the skin dropdown to the armor created in step 3.


I haven't tried this but from my experience with the CK, that should do the trick.

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thank you very much for your help!


Yes, that canine folder helped a lot silly me didn't even think of looking in there haha!


Because of how the pet system works in here I had already made a separate NakedWolfAA to something like NakedWolfFollowerAA (it was shown in the tutorial I followed I didn't understand why but I think I know why now so you could later change the model to anything you want)


After changing the nif model in nakedwolffollowerAA to WolfPet.nif (and removing the first texture in there wolf.dds to wolfpet.dds then changing the correct path in the nif file I got it to work :)


Now all the regular wolf have the default skin and my pet has this unique white fur with blue eyes heh


thanks for the help! if anyone is interested in this Pet Wolf let me know and I will send ya the files or put it on the site.


The pet does the follow:


Follow me - follows you arround

Wait - waits for you

Time to go home - sends the wolf back to your current home

Give me everything you got, Dog - Allows you to bring up the inventory of the Wolf to give or take items


Hopefully later I will be able to create armored wolves in the future with the help of someone that would be awesome :)

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