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Far Cry

Anyone else wish Far Cry 3 was Bethesda-esk?


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I found it utterly Ubisoftian, not Bethesdaesque at all. They have their own style of open world gameplay.


Far Cry 3 could use some Bethesda elements.
In my opinion they should be (in no particular order):
a) switchable 1st/3rd person view like in Skyrim/Fallout
b) character customisation (would be nice, but obviously wouldn't fit the story)
c) weapons crafting
d) a decent inventory system
e) Modding tools (though this is more of a CryTek element, given that Bethesda's modding tools are as intuitive as alien technology)

Most of the other Bethesda elements should, in my opinion, be omitted (just think of the "silent protagonist" concept).


I don't really agree with any of these. Sure, modding tools would be nice, but that's a significant investment you're asking them to make. A better inventory system would be nice, but I wouldn't say Bethesda is known for their "decent" inventory systems or their UI design in general. Switchable first/third person is a nice idea, but as is evident from Bethesda's work, you end up with neither a very good first person perspective or a very good third person perspective when you split development time between both.

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