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Camera view while auto-walking


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Hi all, and forgive me for what's probably a trivial question. I've only recently gotten Skyrim after finally getting a PC capable of handling it. The last time I played a TES game was Morrowind, which brings me to my question. In MW, I remember that while I was using auto-walk (The C key), I was able to swivel the camera to a side or front view without altering my character's direction. It's been so long I don't remember how I did it, and after searching for an Skyrim answer can find nothing about it. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a cheat or anything, just done by using specific keyboard keys and/or mouse. Does anyone know what I'm talking about, and if so, how do I do it in Skyrim? It's just a very minor thing, but when walking a long distance I occasionally like to see how the armor looks from the front while walking, etc. Hopefully it's something simple.



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That was possible in Oblivion also but they took that feature out of Skyrim for some reason. As NoobusExtremus wrote, we do have console commands for the time being. I find "animcam" (no quotes) works quite well for standing or walking.


Link to console commands.


Thanks so much. Animcam does it, and Freeflying Camera is pretty cool also. Thanks again



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