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CTD on file loading with installing an ENB


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I'm fairly fresh to modding Skyrim, but usually pretty decent at it in other games. I'm attempting to install Linthiel's ENB Suite (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29564) Black Dawn, and have followed all the instructions on both the ENB files, and Linthiel's. Except, in Linth's instructions, I'm supposed to change a few SkyrimPrefs.ini settings....and some of them just plain don't exist in my ini file. Tried loading game with just ignoring those particular settings, but I'm getting a CTD every time I try to load into a file.


I'm supposed to change bDefferedShadows, bShadowsOnGrass, and bAutoWaterSilhouetteReflections...none of these lines exist in my ini file. Are these ones that I need to add in, or is something else completely borked here? I'm running Windows 7, if that's any help.

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If they don't exist, you should add them to the end of each section


So if





Doesn't exist, add it under [Display], at the end of the rest of the options in the ini.


Save it. If it asks what type, change the save as file to "All Files".

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Beyond what Selvec said, make sure you have the right ENB version for Linthiel's configs. Configs for one version of ENB are rarely compatible with other versions and often cause CTD on startup or on load.
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The ENB version might be the main problem then, Linth's stuff says to use .130 but the ENB site says it's not available anymore and closest is .131 so I was using that instead. Bleh. Glad to know I wasn't losing my mind on the .ini lines though, lol.
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