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Keeping default follower armor ascetics


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Sorry for the wrong spelling of "aesthetics" in the title.


I know this is kind of the opposite of what most people want but:


Is there a mod where you can equipt your follower, without overwriting the appearance of your follower's default armor?


For example, I would like to give Serana my old Daedric armor, but I don't want her to lose the royal vampire armor look.





Oh, and this gave me an idea. Is there a mod that adds some kind of aesthetics item slot. Somewhat like terraria, where you have slots for your combat gear and another slot (aesthetics slot) where you can put your gear to overwrite the appearance of the equipted items? You won't benefit from the stats and echants from the items in the aesthetics slots -you would only get the looks of the item.


Would be kinda cool, both for followers and the player.

Edited by Doofykeeper
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