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All in a hour's work (woke up, shot a bear, fell off a glider, bam


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All in a hour's work (woke up, shot a bear, fell off a glider, bam it's midnight)



Hi modders and other FC3 enthusiasts,

After contacting various other modders about this I'm going to leave a trace here in the hope other people feel the same and there's perhaps enough "political will" and peer pressure to explore my request. Which is ...


TIMESCALE - DAY/NIGHT CYCLE - CIRCADIAN RHYTHM - whatever you wanna call it, its implementation is still retarded beyond belief.


I play in 3D vision (credit due to Helix 3D fix), and this game is probably one of the most amazing technical accomplishments in visual entertainment today. Ubisoft has created the most realistic world (visually), living and breathing, with enough sub-systems to keep you adventuring, smelling flowers, tracking beasts, sniping pirates off their jeeps etc.

When sunset/sunrise comes, the world around you (light, effects, objects, mood, sounds) are so beautiful that you really have difficulties realising you're not really there.

Unless you blink or sneeze at that exact moment, in which case ... you've missed it. That's how quick the time transition is.


In my opinion, I would argue that this is the main immersion breaker of this outstanding game.

Even if a clock option as in FC2 is never implemented, the timescale needs immediate attention, it needs to be lenghtened and proportionally adjusted (since nighttime also seems to be disproportionatelly short compared to daytime).


I know many people are annoyed at the invasive HUD, minimap, reminders, markers, wallhack etc and I understand their concern.

Ubisoft has already addressed a few of these issues, and the modding community solved most of the remaining issues.

But in my opinion, it is less annoying to see "enemy tagging" in a game, at least in this day and age where augumented reality is almost upon us, and we will get used to seeing people or shop nametags and other info in our AR glasses. Military personnel will definitely get that much sooner, if they don't have it already.


But waking up one morning into an incredibly crafted game world, picking up a flower, taking a piss in the ocean while avoiding a shark trying to do the same, only to realise that the moon is now up and the crickets are lulling you to sleep with their tranquil chirp ... that really sucks :-).


Anyway, there it is boys and girls. I really hope that one of you will be able to fix this soon. SO, GET TO WORK :-)


I wish to express my thanks and gratitude to Dark0ne for the nexus/forums, and to all the people who have already contributed amazing stuff, despite the lack of dev tools. (Gibbed, inakrin, jketiynu,Chorizosss,T0MS0L0 and many others)


Happy gaming/modding to all!

Edited by Zappologist
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And for that, you have my profound gratitude, sir!

That is indeed a game changer, I'm a little surprised people do not list this as the main issue / immersion breaker of the whole game.


If possible, please make the time scale 100% slower than the modded version (if it's not too much work for you - and unless people start complaining :smile: )


I know that you're working on the day/night ratio balance, good luck with this.

PoorBastard is shaping to be the best FC3 mod. Gratz to you and all other modders!


Thank you for showing Ubisoft how to balance gameplay.

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