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About to start modding...


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Thanks a lot for all this advice and time you have put into helping me figure this out. I got my computer yesterday from my friend who helped me build it and put windows on it and he ran some benchmarks on it to test the system and told me that it was on average getting 45FPS on high end graphics and multiple things happening at once lowest it hit was 41FPS so I am hoping that means I should be good to at least do a few textures like 2k textures and so on. I am definitely going to take your advice for my first play through with those few mods which is honestly all I want for now. I don't plan on heavily modding my game other than what I said before so I should be good to go with this. Can't wait to get on it this afternoon and get all this going. Been a very huge help in making my first modding experience a good one. I can post my computer specs if you would like to see. I don't have it on hand but I can go onto Newegg and get my parts list from there.




BTW I just sent you a kudos, would have done it on the first advice just new to this forum stuff so not used to everything on here, haven't been a PC gamer in quite some time haha.

Edited by TyxLonestar
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Hey thanks,

I just know how it is, back when I started modding F03, I had a horrible time modding and didn't know how to get descent advice. So when I saw your post I thought man this guys being pretty smart about getting his game experience going. A lot of the stuff I told you I learned slowly over time through hard earned experience and it's pretty much the foundation of getting the most out of your gaming time which I know can be harder to come by for some.

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