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HELP just started adding mods


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So after getting skyrim for xmass last year ive started adding mods to the game for improved graphics, better looking males and females, some new armors and weapons and so on. Now my game seems to crash and I cant figure out why after playing it for hours the day before.

Im only running something like 52 mods atm. All of my mods have been loaded using NNM, but I notice things dont always work and some stuff might be redundant. I have a rule if the mod doesnt work, I delete it. Is there a way to better understand proper loading order as well as avoiding redundancy. For example some mods instruct you to " Put at the end of your load list!", what about everything before that, and what about overlapping mods like body mods or hair mods. Should I load graphic mods followed by NPC mods followed by armor & weapons mods. I understand the inherit damage I may have caused to my saved games adding stuff then removing it, and I wont even mind starting over again if I have to from scratch. I just want the best possible setup of the mods Ive picked and liked. I also notice that some mods dont seem to be listed in my Plugins tab on NNM. Things like automatic Variants mod and Calientes female body mods, Dimonized UNP female body why is that ? Here is my list in NNM Plugins tab load order I have set ATM:







Dues Mons.esm






Crimson Tide-Blood.esp

Apocalypse spell pack.esp

Cannabis.esp (>'-')>

Guard dialogue Overhaul.esp


RemodeledArmor - Vanilla replacer.esp


Dynasty Armor.esp

Deus Mons w/NPCs.esp






Horses for Followers

Better Follower Improvments.esp

UFO-Ultimate follower overhaul.esp

NPC Overhaul 1.1esp





((( ------ MODS NOT LISTED IN MY PLUGINS TAB ------ )))


A quality world map

ATTK Skyrim power loader

Automatic Variants

Calientes Female body mod big bottem edition -CBBE-

Dimonized UNP femal Body - UNP base main body V1.2

Crazy hairs and demoness hairs -male hairs

Coverwomen looks 1234 (look 3 currently loaded atm)

Detailed lips1.20

Hidden quiver

High quality eyes 1.20

Immersive armors

Malefaces upgrade

Interesting NPCs

Remodeled armor for CBBEv3 Bodyslide and BBP

Respectful Lydia

Serious HD retexture skyrim

Skyrim HD 2K Textures

simple borderless window

The Eyes of beauty

Edited by BIgjguitar
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Is the first list your load order? Use BOSS to automatically sort your load order, and manually sort those esp's not recognized by BOSS using TES5Edit to check for conflicting records (so you can decide where the esp should go). The ones that you list as 'not in your plugin list', does that mean you are not using them anymore? If so, it's a good idea to uninstall them and associated texture/mesh/script files before you start a new game (unless you are using the Mod Organizer rather than NMM, in which case just disable them in the installation tab), so they don't clutter up the game data directory and extend your loading time even though they are no longer necessary. Edited by ripple
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Hello Ripple,

The top list is my load order displayed on the plugin tab of NMM and the bottom list are mods that are ON but do not appear in the formentioned list. Ill seach around for BOSS and TES5edit as well. Thanks for your input! :thumbsup:


Hm....now I am sort of confused. You mentioned the second list contain installed mods where the esp's do not appear in your load order. I can see that would be the case for something like ATTK loader which is a utility and doesn't have an esp, but mods like 'Interesting NPC' has an esp, and AV will generate an AV patch esp as well, and all those should then show up in your load order so BOSS can sort them.

Edited by ripple
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ok well took your advice and got BOSS & TES5 and Boss user list manager. lol I think my game is toasted. After running boss and seeing what needed to be fixed and using TES5 to clean everything, it still crashed... I believe this to be a save game issue and thus will try from an earlyer save, say after the first dragon kill in whiterun. Boss still gives me, "Warning: There are 2 variations of this esp. ALL 2 contain unexpected (or out of order) records. None should be used." for my lydia mod... I hope I can still use it.
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Boss still gives me, "Warning: There are 2 variations of this esp. ALL 2 contain unexpected (or out of order) records. None should be used." for my lydia mod... I hope I can still use it.


That's probably a mod that was made with a pre-CK tool like TESVSnip. You could search the Nexus to see if anyone has updated the mod or at least made a compatibility fix patch for it. Otherwise, you probably should not use it.


Post your new load order (copy/paste the plugin.txt) and we'll check to see if anything else might be causing the CTDs.

Edited by ripple
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Is there a way to get a .txt file from NMM, cause this list is different from the Boss list as in stuff isnt listed in Boss.

ok here is the list with BOSS as of now: ( The last 4 mods were not found in the masterlist)

Skyrim.esm Active

Update.esm Active

ApachiiHair.esm Active

ApachiiHairFemales.esm Active

ApachiiHairMales.esm Active

Deus Mons.esm Active

SPIKE.esm Active

Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

NPC_Overhaul_1_1_.esp Active

StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp Active

Cannabis.esp Active

iHUD.esp Active

TeraArmors-CBBEByNausicaa.esp ActiveRequires: CBBE female body.

Deus Mons_WithNPCs.esp Active

Better Dynamic Snow.esp Active

Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp Active

Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp Active

Crimson Tide - Blood.esp Active

TemptressVixen.esp Active

3DNPC.esp Active

Horses for followers.esp Active

UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp ActiveNote: For safe install need dismiss all your followers, save, delete all included mods, load again, save and install UFO. For safe uninstall or update see special instructions on mod page.

ApachiiHairStyles.esp Active

ApachiiHairStylesELVES.esp Active

Lydia.esp ActiveWarning: There are 2 variations of this esp. ALL 2 contain unexpected (or out of order) records. None should be used.

Better Follower Improvements.esp Active

Spousetocustomhome.esp Active

Bashed Patch, 0.esp Active

ASIS-Dependency.esp Active

FFRedguards.esp Active

Proserpine_companion.esp Active

Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer.esp Active

CazyMale.esp Active


As for my save game I have 2 charactors a male nord with muti companions and a female vixen with just lydia. I tried playing the vixen and didnt crash even fast traveled around the map and stuff, played fine.

The male toon however is the one that crashes. I tried going rolling back the save files to see if I could find one that didnt but so far no luck! I still have a few saves left to try maybe ill get lucky but damn I was level 29 :wallbash:

As for the Lydia patch theres no update for it, and the only thing they did to it was mod her face. She works fine in every other respect in game so ill take a chance and use the mod.

Edited by BIgjguitar
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wow I dont know whats up... after rolling back thru all my saves and trying to play heres what i notice....

Male nord no matter what save I go back to. Seems to be fine during day time crashes at night, this is even with the lydia mod turned off for shits and giggles.

Female Vixen doesnt crash at all with or without lydia mod on?

Lydia mod doesnt have anthing to do with me crashing so it has to be something else.



W :wallbash:

T :wallbash:

F :wallbash:


What I really dont understand is why I cant start a new game without it crashing....

How do I remove the entire game from my PC and start from scratch. Steam seems to leave the all files for the game on my pc so even after trying to reinstall

nothing really changed.


ok so after posting this I did crash with my vixen toon as well seems like the whole game is just unstable at night. Need to clean this mess up somehow hahaha :wacko:

Edited by BIgjguitar
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@ Bigjguitar


Dude you've got a lot of stuff I wouldn't run together


UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp


-->You should not use ANY other companion overhaul with this in your load order, even stuff that alters animations used for companions or gives extra options that's just asking for it.


example of a conflict


Better Follower Improvements.esp Active <---More Scripting trouble with UFO

FollowersWander2.esp <---Potentail Problems with Scripts with UFO

MultipleFollowers.esp <---Direct Problem with UFO

Horses for Followers <---I haven't touched this one for a Looong time....try Convienient Horses(I won't use Convinent and UFO in same playthrough despite claims of compatibility on description page) instead


Crimson Tide - Blood.esp Active ---->Old not updated mod being used on version 1.8 of the game try Enhanced Blood


CazyMale.esp Active

ApachiiHair.esm Active

ApachiiHairFemales.esm Active

ApachiiHairMales.esm Active

ApachiiHairStyles.esp Active

ApachiiHairStylesELVES.esp Active


You have way too many hair Mods running at the same time---You'll be looking at character menu CTD's here best advice pick one and keep that until done. CTD's here are caused by the game loading up all posible textures for hairs and then running out of VRAM or Memory


You do not have your ASIS batch patch in your load order find both at skyrim\data\skyproc\

Get rid of the Lydia stuff

Get rid of Cannibis

Get rid of mods that are not maintained or have a good following.



ASIS and Automatic Varients

-Meant for experienced modders

-Use an auxillery program to create a bashed patch for your game

-Use too many scripts in my opinion, they oould have easily done this with the Game Engine others have accomplished this for F03 aka MMM, FWE and such

-Will Stress your computer...I have no idea what your specs are.



Skyrim\Data\ (BSA FILES)

your BSA's are the largest files of Skyrim...Back them up

delete the game

Start Steam install

Pause Steam install

Place files into data folder

Verify game integrity


Game reinstalled in 3 minutes BLAM

Edited by gamefever
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