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Shivering Isles Duke/Duchess/Sheogorath Mod


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Hi everyone. I've been replaying Oblivion for a few weeks and I'm in the Shivering Isles right now. I love it here SO much, but a few things have bugged me and I'd love to find someone to make a mod for the following:


Instead of the Duke and Duchess dying and the player taking over their spots, I'd love to see them both stay alive, and have the player choose one of them to work for, side with, etc. I imagine things like sneaking around for Syl (as an example) and not just doing fetch and carry quests (although those are good) and seeking out those who her paranoia have deemed to be enemies. In acting with and for her, the player could either truly become as mad as she is, and stay within her court or turn on her later on after seeing the insanity she's wrought. Also, I'd love to see her sending notes, dispatches, etc to people anywhere in the Isles; whether "love" notes to someone she's involved with, threats to those who she considers enemies, angry letters to those in Mania who are anathema to her and her Dementia personality, etc.


Although I love Mania alot, I'm not crazy about Thadon, so while I don't want that realm's Duke killed, I'd love to have a replacement. And in this realm, if the player chooses it, they could work for/side with the Duke. He could be much more fleshed out, and pretty much "high" most of the time, and so unable to come down to earth and live in reality. I imagine him wildly frenetic, like Robin Williams was in his early comedy show days. Just out of control and unable to truly listen to anyone. Still he would need a right hand man (or woman) and the player would be firmly on his side. I haven't seen the darker/murderous side of Mania really, and so I'd have to think of what kind of dangerous things the Duke would have the player involved with. Definitely things like fetch and carry quests, frantic love notes to women (or men) all over the Isles, sending the player into doom only to magically rescue him/her at the last second, playing a "joke". (Sounds like a Sheogorath move.) : )


The other part of my idea is with Sheogorath and that whole storyline. I've never liked the whole Jyggalag/Knights of Order/Priests of Order storyline or the way the characters look. I would love to see that scrapped, and maybe have Sheogorath be someone (at first) who welcomes the player to the Isles and is of course, mad, but pretends to be a good-time God who only wants to see the Hero be whisked away to have a good time. He too would give quests to the player, some innocuous at first, then becoming darker as time goes by. As things progress, he gradually would show his true colors. Insane plots would come to life, his split personality demanding one thing while "demented" and another while "manic". Eventually the player is simply a pawn in a game that crosses the Isles and until it's played out, the player cannot leave. As far as how things would wrap up, the player could have the choice of becoming Sheogorath's assistant (assuming he/she has become as nuts as he is!), find another person to embody the Daedra who lives in Sheogorath, or even take over the spot himself.


These are just some of the ideas I've been playing with lately. I am so in love with Shivering Isles but would love to see something entirely different for the main storyline.


If anyone is interested, it would be amazing to see these ideas come to life. As most gamers who play Oblivion, I've played SI a million times since it came out, and though I could wander around there forever, I'd love to see something completely new. : )



Thanks for reading this!


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