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Help me get engaged!


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Hey, so I'm looking to propose to my girlfriend, and since we're both geeks of the tallest order, I'd like to use Skyrim to pop the question through a mod. (Don't worry, I'll make sure I'm sitting there when she plays it, I'm not that daft. :P )


But! I have no modding skills. :(


So, open invitation to anyone looking for a project. Would definitely involve a questline of some sort, and I'd like to have a specific area created to go with it--a player home, more or less, though it'd probably be a complicated one if I had to guess on the complexity. Would definitely be fully-furnished, and would also involve making use of every single secret door in the game. ('Cept maybe the generic Dragur crypt one.)


I do have some solid ideas, but I'd rather go over them with whoever I wind up picking for this on a one-on-one basis. And if you don't think you can/want to take this, please at least share among your modding friends. :)


... And since you actually read to the bottom of the post, there might be money in this. It's contingent on my financial state when the mod is completed, more or less, and wouldn't be a large amount even then. Make no mistake, if you take this, it'll be an act of charity. But I'm willing to forward a little compensation for your time if I can afford it. (Italics are intentional. Don't ignore them.)


Respond here if your interested, preferably with links to your previous mods. Depending on how much attention this gets, I'll wait anywhere from a week to a month before I pick someone/s to work with.



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It sounds like a nice idea.



I'm imagining her playing Skyrim when an NPC crafted hopefully to try to look like you with a similar but Skyrim-ized name randomly approaches her similarly to a courier with a small quest. The NPC, just say Tolan for now, says random things throughout the questline (as a follower) commenting about things you would comment or say irl. Then after the defeat of some boss, he says something cheesy and proposes. If she says no, poor Tolan catches fire and slowly burns to death becoming a pile of ashes, when looted it drops a Broken Heart. When accepted, she gets some constant boon and Tolan leads her through a secret door do a custom house, through which the "boss" is present sipping tea and congratulating the two, having actually been in on the act.



Yay fantasies.

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