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China's Activity


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1. Chinese submarine totally covered in sand (all but the very top of the conning tower) somewhere on the beach of the river.


2. Chinese Power Armor, somewhere... (The fallout bible mentions it i believe)


3. POW camp at the very far edge of the map.


4. A living non-ghoul group still loyal to china.


5. Something else.




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A beached Chinese sub would make a pretty sweet house... Instead of in the sand, though, you could put it in shallow water by Rivet city, explaining why that carrier's split in half. You could even turn the torpedoes in the torpedo room into containers with mini-nukes inside (for the warheads) and make the reactor room a high (or lethal) radiation zone.


But all in all I think the wastes need a lot more Chinese relics in general.


Oh and Chinese power armor would be sweet too, but what would it look like?

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Now i agree with this, cos i would love to see some of these things in the game, except for one reason:


If the Chinese were aware of the fact they were about to launch nukes at America, surely it would stand to reason that they would pull their warmachines or evacuate their camps from the US?


contingency states that if the first strike fails, then always have something in the pipeline.

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No they wouldn't it's the simple MAD, mutually assured destruction, card in play why evacuate when you strike they strike and well the world is leveled. Now a cool thing would be to have a spot in the Chinese war sub that transports you to China (by you go into the room and when you exit it takes you to same sub in China), (or a major city) with all new challenges and what about finding a random airport where you could go to another country, big task? Heck yeah, but it'll be worth it just make sure lock the door to China after your done (So them crazy chinese ghouls and people ruin it by making it seem like just another door).
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Well going to China sounds like a whole 'nuther game.


And as to whether or not Chinese forces would still be in DC if they were gonna nuke it anyways, it's a moot point since you already run into Chinese commando ghouls.


In my book, more content and more variety = more joy, so let's get some more ideas for Chinese presence in the DC area.

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