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Kusarigama Weapon Mod


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I haven't come across this type of weapon yet in the various weapon packs Ive tried, so I wanted to see if anyone would be interested in trying to tackle this weapon.

The weapon in question is a 1 handed sickle with a chain and weight attached to the bottom of the handle.




I envision the sickle portion of the weapon attacking similar to a 1 handed axe (perhaps quicker swing speed). The chain would be held in the offhand and used for slightly ranged attacks (max of like 10-15 feet). I am not sure if this would be possible. Can 1 weapon have 2 attack modes? Right mouse button for the sickle, and left mouse button for the chain? Also I was thinking that the chain portion of the weapon would have a small chance at disarming weapons or shields (again is this possible?) Now the image I posted was pretty plain. If you wish to work on this id be excited to see what types of gilded, ornate, decorated weapons you could come up with as well as the overall shape of the sickle and weight at the end of the chain. Would also be interested in seeing a swinging animation for the chain while idle in the off hand, and instead of the chain going straight out when used like a projectile, perhaps see its attack path from diagonals. (if you wanted to wrap a chain around someone , or around a sword, you would attack from the side or above or below right?) As for blade texture, maybe something similar to this would be fitting.




Crossing fingers hoping someone picks this up.

Edited by ffxaddict
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