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[Request] Raising the Headless


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I don't know it kind of bothers my that i'm unable to raise corpses without their heads, i mean that would be awesome!

Atleast they wouldn't moan all the time, maybe gurgle but not moan,


So yeah, if anyone would make that (if that's EVEN POSSIBLE) would be pretty epic

Mostly because you could summon headless zombies in Oblivion, i don't understand why i can't raise headless zombies here.

It's annoying when you're playing a necromancer who likes flinging an axe all over the place and decapitating people!

Edited by skulleris
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Wait, you can't raise headless NPCs?


I've never actually tried.

This is my first playthrough I am going to do with "necromancer" character. (Usually I just end up conjuring atronaches)

And even if I used Reanimate spells, I never had any headless enemies around ;______;

(Due to fact that player + summoned dremora are one of the few characters that can access decapicate perk thingy in vanilla game)


However, I think it'd be quite cool to have headless soldier with me! :biggrin:

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Honestly i find it really annoying when you're playing like a Spellblade/necromancer kind of guy, who took the Decapitation perk for the 25% increase in power attack damage and got f*cking screwd over because if i decapitated some guy, i couldn't raise him to help me fight :confused:
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