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Having trouble altering an existing navmesh


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Hey everyone,


I'm having a problem while altering a previously existing navmesh. I'm trying to make a Hearthfire compatible version of a mod for it's author and every time I finish and save the .esp, I notice that it has a different ID then the old one. Last time I attempted this, I kept checking periodically to make sure that it had the same ID. After a while I just finished up the navmesh and didn't pay attention to it until I was done.


I'm not sure if this happens when I save the .esp, or if it happens sometime while I'm altering the navmesh. I'm relatively new to modding, and I think it's safe to say that I have no idea how navmeshes are handled in Skyrim. :hurr:




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I noticed this particularly for exterior Navmeshes. The CK should bother you about the Navmesh needing to be refinalized, I followed a post over at the Bethesda Forums to keep the error from happening in my house mod(it also is part of restoring things you've deleted accidentally). When you go to load up the .esp just select it and hit the 'Details' button at the bottom. At the top of the Details list there will be a Deleted column, you may just see a 'D'.


Click that to filter anything that has been deleted and you should see a NAVM entry. Highlight it and press the 'delete' key to tell it to ignore that change. Say okay to the warning. Now load up the .esp and go to the cell that had the deleted Navmesh, there will be two. The vanilla Navmesh should have a '000E' prefix for it's Form ID. Here comes the tricky part, when you go to edit the Navmesh both will show. If you know where you've moved/removed triangles from it will be easy to select the vanilla Navmesh because it will cover the areas that yours doesn't. Select a triangle from the vanilla Navmesh.


Use the Flood Fill button to select the entire thing once you're certain that you have the vanilla Navmesh selected. Then press and hold the 'Z' key and drag the Navmesh underground. The idea is to hide it so that NPCs won't be able to interact with it at all, so if it's an interior Navmesh just drag it completely away from the structure. Once you've done that, double check the Navmesh for errors, generate cover edges and finalize. When you reload your mod it shouldn't show an error for the Navmesh. I hope that helps! :biggrin:

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Did you by chance go into the Details button while your .esp was loaded? All you should do in the beginning is select it, but not select it as an active file and do not load it when you go into the Details. :blink:


In your Skyrim folder you'll have a folder called Backup. In there are your latest saves using the CK. Hopefully you've saved it once or twice and it will be in there.

Edited by TheGreenLion
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I guess it depends on what it does, if you can alter the existing one and it doesn't delete the vanilla navmesh like last time you are good to go. If it generates another navmesh and deletes the vanilla one you might have to try the method I explained above. I'll post a link to the thread I followed, it's pretty long but it may give you some better insight to the problem.


Okay, Here it is.

Edited by TheGreenLion
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Ok, so far it works. Thank you so much!


One last question though. I'm trying to change the navmesh for Breezehome and I had to use the method you described in your first reply. How would this act with other mods that modify the navmesh? Will it cause AI bugs, or crash the game? Right now, I can see that Lydia get's stuck in the upper room because she tries to get to the stairs through the wall next to the bed in her room. I know that's probably my fault, and it probably has something to do with the "preferred pathing" thing.


Anyway, thanks again!



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Well it won't affect any other mods as they won't be able to use another Breezehome mod along with that one I don't imagine. It may take some trial and error but double check that the vertices are on the floor and they haven't been connected to some other triangle on the first floor. My general rule of thumb is to use the standard mode when viewing the navmesh, if you can see the triangles on the floor you've placed them on then you shouldn't have any trouble with pathing. Just switch over to transparent mode if you can't select a vertices due to it being under an object or something. Good luck! :thumbsup:
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