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SkyUI 3, no MCM


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When am I supposed to unpack the BSA? When I manually install from the archive I made with just the ESP and BSA


Did you turn off the pop-up for unpacking BSA's? Go to 'settings' and click on 'reset dialogue.' This should bring it back.

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When am I supposed to unpack the BSA? When I manually install from the archive I made with just the ESP and BSA


Did you turn off the pop-up for unpacking BSA's? Go to 'settings' and click on 'reset dialogue.' This should bring it back.


Ah, I had forgotten about that forever ago. But, still no BSA getting unpacked, even though I told it to!


However, there is progress: the $s are gone. Still no configuration options in the MCM menu, though.

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You can post feedback to Tannin in MO's support thread, reference all the steps you've taken to try and remedy the problem, and see if anyone has a suggestion I haven't covered yet.


In the mean time, you can try to install SkyUI manually, without MO. Extract the esp and BSA into your game data folder. Launch the game without your other mods and see if that works. If it still doesn't work, then the issue is obviously not with MO, but with your game installation.


If it fixes your issue, then try to launch the game through MO *with* the rest of your load order. If you start seeing the problem again, then SkyUI is probably conflicting with another mod you've installed.

Edited by ripple
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You can post feedback to Tannin in MO's support thread, reference all the steps you've taken to try and remedy the problem, and see if anyone has a suggestion I haven't covered yet.


In the mean time, you can try to install SkyUI manually, without MO. Extract the esp and BSA into your game data folder. Launch the game without your other mods and see if that works. If it still doesn't work, then the issue is obviously not with MO, but with your game installation.


If it fixes your issue, then try to launch the game through MO *with* the rest of your load order. If you start seeing the problem again, then SkyUI is probably conflicting with another mod you've installed.


I finally found the 12.2 beta, and everything is working fine (with the bsa unchecked). Thanks for your help, ripple!

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