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Question about High res pack and mods


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Heya folks, long time Skyrim player, but I traded in my PS3 version for the PC version so I could enjoy the awesome mods. I currently do not have the High Res Pack installed (downloading now) but I have a lot of mods like Skyrim HD 2K Textures installed. Will the HD Pack overwrite these mods? I am mainly asking because I'm trying to get XCE Character Enhancement working, but the skyrim.ini file looks much different than the authors. I guessed the reason is because I do not have the HD Pack installed.


Any help would be much appreciated!

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No, loose files always take precedent over files packed in a .bsa archive. The official texture pack comes in two .bsa archives.


Your .ini discrepancies have nothing to do with any texture packs. His .ini is edited. Feel free to edit your own and when you find a configuration you like it's recommended to back up your .ini files.

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No, loose files always take precedent over files packed in a .bsa archive. The official texture pack comes in two .bsa archives.


Your .ini discrepancies have nothing to do with any texture packs. His .ini is edited. Feel free to edit your own and when you find a configuration you like it's recommended to back up your .ini files.


Thank you very much!

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