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Multiple bodies at character creation. Is it possible?


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For some time I'm trying to figure out how to give more than one model option at character creation. Of course I had not succeeded, so I'm asking for help.


It should work like this:


At the character creation menu, after choosing a race and going to the body tab, It will be a "body type" option where it will be possible to choose between two or more model options (CBBE and UNP, for example).

Each body model will have its own weight slider.

At first I planned to give them the same texture, but I believe It will be also possible make them dinamic, in order to increase customization options. Same for face textures.

The plan is also customize every single character in Skyrim, once this mod is done.


My questions is: Is it possible to make such a thing? Apparently I underestimated Creation kit and deffinatelly got stuck on this projetc.


Thanks for your help in advance.

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