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remington 700


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can someone please make an remington 700 that looks exactly like this and make it so it does not break thank you P.S the picture is supper small heres the link to the big one- http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-blbKWiDiEPI/Tt53pedvbMI/AAAAAAAAAfw/iOeacChxKBs/s1600/Remington-700.jpg


Mod Requests.

Wrong section my friend, no-ones gonna find it here.



I found a couple.


Remington 700 Sniper

The other was a rename of the hunting rifle.


If you want it without the scope, you'll have to try sweet talking the mod maker.


If that is what you're looking for, I can tell you how to easily make it unbreakable.

Edited by veng
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