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Armed to the Teeth: Immersive Weapons - Patch


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So I downloaded Armed to the Teeth recently, and noticed the guys doing the updating for the custom weapons haven't done anything since mid last year with it. That made me a sad panda.


So I'd like to request some helpful soul make a patch for Armed to the Teeth which allows weapons from Immersive Weapons to show up on your back with all the other blades. I'd do it myself, but when I tried the CK didn't seem to like what I was doing. I used the technique explained for vanilla weapons, but using Immersive Weapons instead of Skyrim.esm.


Armed to the Teeth:



Armed to the Teeth: Custom Weapons



Immersive Weapons:



Alternatively, if someone doesn't have the time to do it themselves, but can explain what I need to do thats different from the vanilla technique to make this work, then I can make this mod myself.



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