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"Lost Dwarven City in the Jungle" quest


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I was thinking of a quest idea where the Dragonborn has to travel to a long lost dwarven ruin to kill what the dwarves awakened there. Lord of the rings style. The dwemer built a city far away in an undisclosed jungle (Valenwood maybe) to teleport to incase they ever were in danger. While digging underground they awoke something so dangerous that the whole city was never seen or found ever again, until now.


My idea is a dwarven ruin that is overrun by plants and trees to give it an anchient feeling. Calcelmo of Markarth has discovered an odd dwemer machine that opens a portal but doesnt know where it goes and everyone he has paid to go in there has never come back out. Since the portal wont close he fears something will come through from the other side. he then asks the Dragonborn to find out how to close it by going through the portal. The Dragonborn travels a long time through the ruin until he comes across a creature the likes hes never seen before.


This is the image that I had in mind



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