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better Reverse pickpocketing


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I have now looked for over 3 hours for a mod that lets you reequip items. in fallout 4 you cannot easily make a random npc wear the clothing you pickpocketed again. Did i overlook a mod that for example lets you equip items with T on a random npc or is something like this not already published? I also think (not knowing too much about modding myself) this could be implemented pretty easily by maybe just adding the equip option from "openactorcontainer" To the pickpocket menu and giving it the same percentage for getting you detected. Edited by KnifeOfDunwa11
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I second this, although I think unless it's a grenade or a mine you should be able to give it to them 100% of the time.

That way I can give Junkyard and Creation Club dogs bandanas, welding goggles and armour without potentially upsetting the settlement or using OpenActorContainer 1.

I'm sure there are other examples where this is useful, like giving Erickson arm and leg armour.

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