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Companion command/dialogue mode vs Intmidation command mode?

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Does anyone know a way of using papyrus to detect when a companion is in dialogue/command mode and force them out of that mode?


I tried using "IsInCommandMode()" and "SetCommandState(False)" on Piper while she was in command/dialogue mode but it returned FALSE and did nothing. I presume this is because the "command mode" referred to in the Papyrus scripts is actually the NPC "Intimidation" dialogue, not the companion dialogue.


Any ideas how I can manipulate the companion's normal command/dialogue mode?

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Well, I couldn't figure out how to force the companion out of dialogue command mode, but I managed to create a global function that checks if the player is commanding the companion:



Actor Function CheckDialogueMode() Global
{Check if player is in command mode with companion}
    Actor akCompanion = ((Game.GetFormFromFile(0x000289E4, "Fallout4.esm") as Quest).GetAlias(0) as ReferenceAlias).GetActorReference()
    Actor akTarget = Game.GetPlayer().GetDialogueTarget()
    If akTarget
        If akTarget == akCompanion
            Debug.Trace("[CWSS] Player is in dialogue command mode with Companion " + akCompanion)
            Return akTarget


I didn't use any Properties here because I'm using this function in a Utility script not attached to anything.


Although I can't force the player/companion out of command mode, I can at least use the above function to know when to block the player from activating my furniture, which is a good-enough solution for me :)

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The command menu is not considered dialogue, it's its own separate menu, MultiActivateMenu. There are specific events thrown when an actor is placed into command mode (OnCommandModeEnter() and OnCommandModeExit() ), and OnMenuOpenCloseEvent() also throws an event for MultiActivateMenu. F4SE has a script in UI to force menus to open and close. So you can use CloseMenu() to force the menus to close.


Easiest way to do this, would be to toss your companion into an alias, let the alias register for the menu open/close events, and then close the menu from there. Then you can have a script attached to the controlling quest that fills/clears the alias as needed.






For correcting information

Edited by Carreau
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