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A Request for 2 Oblivion based mods:


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Well I've been saving this request until the GECK was out. As the topic title says, I'm looking for 2 completely different mods, but to save time and confusion I'm going to put them both here.


Firstly Magic. How hard would it be to implament the magic abilities from Oblivion into Fallout 3? I'm Thinking the destruction spells would be good, along with waterbreathing (not that I'd want to be swimming in F3's water) healing, and all the others if possible. I think it would add huge variety to the game, and challenge if NPC's can gain access to a limited supply of magic abilities as well. I'm really just thinking off the top of my head here, but anyway.




And secondly: What about the races from oblivion? Can anyone picture an orce in power armor? I can! I think this would be an awsome addition to an already fantastic game. :biggrin:


But anyway what do you think?

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