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Ubersneak - BANNED

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Ubersneak banned.




Reason for the ban



View Post<Removed user name>, on 10 January 2013 - 08:33 AM, said:

You really should try verifying your game cache, why should we assume that you couldn't do this? Steam makes it simple and relatively quick and it can be highly effective.




Yes you're right that you shouldn't have to assume that I can't, but I meant hypothetically speaking, and not in general terms, you forget, I am trying to help everyone help me, and if something I say sounds smart-alekey, it was not supposed to be that way.


Hypothetical don't cut it either you have a legal version and can verify the cache - or you are a pirate who cannot. You are not trying to help us help you, you are wasting our time trying to get free advice for a stolen game.


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