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Bleedout Dialogue

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I'm trying to create a custom dialogue for NPC.


I have noticed that [bleedout] under [combat] section never works in game. I checked companions such as Piper, but I couldn't find any special script or condition about bleedout, it just works for these companions.


Am I missing something? Thanks for the help.

Edited by syfjhz22
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I have bleedout dialogue for health managed settlers, no problem. Grab SKK Combat Settlers and look at SKK_CSETQuest - MISC - Greeting - SKK_CSETGreeting


Ah ! Holdon you may need to set; (ThisActor as Actor).AllowBleedoutDialogue(TRUE) as it is mostly false by default.

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I'm trying to create a custom dialogue for NPC.


I have noticed that [bleedout] under [combat] section never works in game. I checked companions such as Piper, but I couldn't find any special script or condition about bleedout, it just works for these companions.


Am I missing something? Thanks for the help.

I know very little about about scripts...


Do you mind to give an example how "AllowBleedoutDialogue(TRUE)" can be implement for an actor or a dialogue topic? Really appreicate your help.


I looked at your mod and realised I may use a condition to trigger bleedout dialogue, just like crippled limbs. However, it doesn't work this way so I guess it must be scripted...




Because I know nothing about script, I tried to create one for actor but it failed to compile...

Scriptname BleedoutDialogue extends ObjectReference

Function AllowBleedoutDialogue(bool abCanTalk) native



BleedoutDialogue.psc(5,7): no viable alternative at input '.'


Could you please help?

Edited by syfjhz22
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The right format of script requires context, what are you attaching the script to:


An Actor base form


A placed actor ObjectReference in the render window


A spawned actor ObjectReference in game.


Something else (describe it)

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I'm trying to create a custom dialogue for NPC.


I have noticed that [bleedout] under [combat] section never works in game. I checked companions such as Piper, but I couldn't find any special script or condition about bleedout, it just works for these companions.


Am I missing something? Thanks for the help.

After several attempts, I managed to compile using the following script

Scriptname BleedoutDialogue extends Actor  

Event OnEnterBleedOut()



Now I can interact with the actor during bleedout, but the actor still doesn't speak the topic group under [bleedout]. I then tried to add "isbleedingout" condition, but still not speaking the lines.


The actor only speak default hello lines after E is pressed.




What I really want is the actor announcing he/she is bleeding out automatically when neutralised. I have no idea how it works...

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The right format of script requires context, what are you attaching the script to:


An Actor base form


A placed actor ObjectReference in the render window


A spawned actor ObjectReference in game.


Something else (describe it)


I now tried to move bleedout to hello lines, then add "isbleedingout" condition =1, and !=1 for other lines.


When I press E the actor now speaks the lines, but is there any way for the actor to speak bleedout lines automatically when nuetralised, just like vanilla companions?

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As far as I know (there may be other methods) you need to apply a FORCEGREET AI package to the actor;


On the actor base form with a condition isbleedingout = true, or;


via a quest alias which the actor is forced into by script for the event OnBleedoutStart()

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As far as I know (there may be other methods) you need to apply a FORCEGREET AI package to the actor;


On the actor base form with a condition isbleedingout = true, or;


via a quest alias which the actor is forced into by script for the event OnBleedoutStart()

After several testing, ForceGreet package will not automatically start upon bleedout with isbleedingout condition. I don't think "isbleedingout" condition is actually a trigger, it's probably just a condition...


I'm trying to figure out how to force start via script, any help would be highly appreciated.

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That is correct I never suggested isbleedingout is not TRIGGER it is just a CONDITION. The forcegreet package is the TRIGGER for story manager to pick the relevant TOPIC for the actor to initiate.


An alternative is to script the SAY function which is a blunt instrument with no fancy dialogue support like camera focus or wait-on-completion;

Topic  Property pSKK_CSETSay Auto Const mandatory ;apply a unique name to your dialog topic 
GlobalVariable  Property pSKK_CSETSayValue Auto Const Mandatory ;to pick which line to use in the topic 

Event OnEnterBleedout()
Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer()
If Player.GetDistance(Self) < 512
   pSKK_CSETSayValue.SetValue(1) ;Player Hello
   (Self as Actor).Say(pSKK_CSETSay, akActorToSpeakAs = None, abSpeakInPlayersHead = false, akTarget =  Player)
   Utility.WaitMenuMode(1.0) ;time to say hello
   pSKK_CSETSayValue.SetValue(0) ;none
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That is correct I never suggested isbleedingout is not TRIGGER it is just a CONDITION. The forcegreet package is the TRIGGER for story manager to pick the relevant TOPIC for the actor to initiate.


An alternative is to script the SAY function which is a blunt instrument with no fancy dialogue support like camera focus or wait-on-completion;

Topic  Property pSKK_CSETSay Auto Const mandatory ;apply a unique name to your dialog topic 
GlobalVariable  Property pSKK_CSETSayValue Auto Const Mandatory ;to pick which line to use in the topic 

Event OnEnterBleedout()
Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer()
If Player.GetDistance(Self) < 512
   pSKK_CSETSayValue.SetValue(1) ;Player Hello
   (Self as Actor).Say(pSKK_CSETSay, akActorToSpeakAs = None, abSpeakInPlayersHead = false, akTarget =  Player)
   Utility.WaitMenuMode(1.0) ;time to say hello
   pSKK_CSETSayValue.SetValue(0) ;none

Thank you so much for the replies.


I'm sure this say function is what I really needed, but I can't get it to work.


Coud you please take a look? I really know nothing about scripts, but I would like to attach it to the actor base form...

Scriptname BleedoutDialogue extends Actor  

Topic Property pHello Auto Const mandatory                                     ;If I want to use hello topic, should the topic property be pHello or Hello?
GlobalVariable Property pHelloValue Auto Const Mandatory

Event OnEnterBleedout()
         Self.AllowBleedoutDialogue(true)                                              ;This function still works
Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer()
         Self.Say(pHello, akActorToSpeakAs = None, abSpeakInPlayersHead = false, akTarget =  Player)
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