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Script heavy mods


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I'm currently running a lot of script heavy mods, like Frostfall and More hotkeys please, along side a number of mandatory HD enhancers. The game itself runs just fine, with an average of about 45 fps. But after I have installed Frostfall, I noticed the long time it took to set up a tent. When I noticed that, I started noticing a lot of other sluggish stuff too, and I can't help not noticing them.

Here's the question; Is it possible to boost those mods? Would it help to remove some textures, tweak the .ini or lower the screen size? Anything at all I can do to make the game run smooth, or am I just at the limit of what the script engine can handle?

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Short Answer yes and no.


The thing about scripts.


Imagine your harddisk has a value of 100


Windows eats 1/3 of this value behind the scenes.

Other programs eat up another 1/10 or even 1/3


Skyrim gets a set value set in your INI file but can not exceed what your Hard Drive or Operating System can allow. There's also a read write hard cap programmed in I cant remember off the top of my head but I read that when I had this same question.


You set up Skyrim for an Eyecandy playthrough thinking man my video card can handle this no problem.


Download texture mods about 4 GIG's worth

some stuff like grass is now the entire equavalancy of a consul user's entire screen mult by 10

Your grass is like around 15 M

Thats just the grass, then there's the mountains, tree's, wildlife, and water oh animated 4096 textures my my.


Now your poor hard drive has to tell the Graphics Processor hold up I need more time to think about what to tell you to load, becuase I'm thinking about how long this guy's pressing a button key and oh dang it just started snowing I have to apply a modifier uh did he just hold down P key wait oh geez Uh thats right that means open Survival Menu. Got that...What do you mean your waiting on high res rocks he's still holding the W key that means something well hold on. Oh right I gort that high Res fire dang IT!!!

I forgot to place that dragon there earlier....Hmm I'll just tell the GPU to put that dragon in there now.

Oh he's holding P key for more than 3 seconds, Dangit Graphics Procesasor I told you to wait! What What, Win7!!!? what DO you mean I've run out of memory. CTD


Point is Hard Drive moves the texture information to the Graphics card, it also handles Papyrus scripts.


You could benefit from Defragging

Getting a better harddisk which means "FAST read/write Speeds" not space

changing the INI file

turning some programs off in the background


But what's the point of HDtextures if you butcher down your settings...?


At that point I'd say ditch HD or scripting mods.


Check my post on Eye Candy here http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/880865-about-to-start-modding/


I explain that you have to consider a theme for your game. With Eyecandy style that's it that's all you do nothing more.

Other than that I'd say Hotkeys Please is kinda not important in your game given that Textures are manditory. Same with Frostfall, or any other scripting mod.

Some people might tell you to use Texture Optimiser but then they don't realize that your basically trimming down the quality of the textures which defeats HD. though sometimes you can and should run it to resize textures appropriately for the game in the better compresion formats, that the game prefers to read.


There's a few compression formats some are easier but be aware that compression can alter quality...It's likely not a good idea to uncompress and then recompress given that you'll slightly alter the textures each time.



Your KeyMod is constantly active by its very nature, and to an extint frostfall. But when it comes to key timeing the mod has to constantly check and set off timers when you press keys. Is that something you really think should be taking up space? To get a better idea of how this works, revert to 512 textures and then use a bunch of scripted mods you'll find that now your game can chew through them with ease.

Edited by gamefever
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