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New to modding; need help


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I'm new to computer gaming and modding. Just brought this game and have a few questions regarding mods.



I got the Caliente mods to mod female characters, but I can't get it to work. I downloaded it with NMM and still can't get it to work. Am I missing certain pre-requesite mods to get this to work? Can anyone help with a list of the basic mods needed to get this to work? Or just a list of starter mods in general? Specifically ones that allow me to customize female characters.


Thanks for the help!

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Caliente's mod only changes the naked female body, so if they are clothed you won't notice the changes. She also has a Vanilla Outfits mod that utilizes her Bodyslide utility to customize the look. Be sure to read the description page of each mod you plan to download carefully, including any FAQ lists. Caliente's CBBE mod has a massive FAQ that will help you figure out what you need to do. :biggrin:
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Another question to whoever can answer it: when I install an armor mod after an animation one, it asks me if I want to overwrite a bunch of stuff. Do I press yes to all or what?


yup, clicking yes merges the files. just keep track of which files you merged so if you want to disabl the mod you can get rid of the new files you merged. that's why NMM is useful, gets rid of the hassle of locating and deleting if you want to disable a mod :whistling:

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