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Any ideas for a Lore-Friendly Quest Mod?


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Basically, I'm just looking for ideas for a somewhat Lore Friendly quest mod.


It isn't that I'm not creative,just think of it as Modder's Block ;D


I know I have not released many mods,but I know quite a bit about the GECK and Scripting so I should be able to do a decent quest.


Feed me your ideas :woot:



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LunaxTec - Hello!


"Basically, I'm just looking for ideas for a somewhat Lore Friendly quest mod."


Well it's very sketchy as far as ideas go but since nothings been mentioned so far....


I always thought it was a missed opportunity that nothing much was done with Oasis.


It's a really neat place with a unique atmosphere & all the vanilla game really does there is the Harold quest. I like the Harold quest but it's always seemed such a shame that that's all that happens there really.


It would be nice if there was more reason to return there, some kind of quests & such.


I don't think even mods have done much there really.


Just a thought.


Another possible source of ideas, original Fallout quests & encounters.


I don't mean exact copies just used as a spark for something in Fallout 3.


For example one of my favourite quest mods is:


Solar Scorcher by WillieSea




It's a sort of sequel to Fallout 2's encounter that was itself based on Star Trek's The City on the Edge of Forever:




Solar Scorcher by WillieSea is great fun, a simple idea well executed & with a lore friendly prize at the end of it, the Solar Scorcher which was also from previous a Fallout game:




You can get a listing of encounters & quests from Fallout 1 & 2 at the Fallout wikia that may help to lift your block & give you some ideas, like here:


Take particular note of the Special encounters at the bottom of this page:




That includes the aforementioned Guardian of Forever as well as several other niffty ideas.


I rather liked the Tin Man one :)




Hope this helps!



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Thanks for the ideas,i may use some of them.


Really all I meant by lore friendly is anything thats not crazy and unrealistic such as the player turning into an ant (i doubt anyone would suggest that,just an example.)


I guess technically any quest mod is really creating its own "lore"

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