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OBSE Scripting Help?


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Okay so I'm trying to make a spell where it spawns potatoes every second till the player picks up 100 of them. I need some help looping the script so it actually spawns them more than once until the spell runs out, or even forever I don't care.



scn SummonPotatohs3

float timer

begin ScriptEffectStart
  set timer to timer + getSecondsPassed
     if ( getSecondsPassed >= 1 )
        {while ( player.getitemcount potatoh < 100 )
           player.additem potatoh 1
           player.drop potatoh 1
end ScriptEffectStart




I can't find any way to loop it back to line 7 or even just repeating the whole script in one spell cast. Thanks in advance.


P.S. The I made a new item called "potatoh" so don't say I spelled it wrong. :P

Edited by MrZaneMan
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