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What happened to the various cities of Cyrodiil after the Great War?


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I know there's an in-game book which describes some of what happened, but not much.


I know Bravil got burned to the ground. Anvil probably would have felt the brunt of the invasion and would have thus been destroyed pretty bad too. I'm certain I saw a map somewhere which showed all the cities crossed out except Kvatch and Skingrad, which I suppose would make sense given that both are set on high, steep plateaus and are relatively wealthy (and, Kvatch and Skingrad are described in Oblivion as always having shared a close relationship, so they would be able to rely on one another to some extent).


To sum:


Anvil = Unknown, but likely ransacked by sea.

Kvatch = Survived

Skingrad = Survived

Bravil = burned to the ground

Leyawiin = didn't it say that Leyawiin fell too? Plus, so close to Elsweyr (Thalmor territory)

Cheydinhal = Unknown

Bruma = Unknown

Chorrol = Unknown

Imperial City = Pillaged/looted, White-Gold tower ransacked


Just a curiosity. I believe it also said somewhere, either in Oblivion or elsewhere, that during the Oblivion crisis, the Daedra destroyed Balmora and the mages of Ald'Ruhn resurrected the giant dead crab to fight them off, which likely implies that it too was damaged.


I was hoping that Skyrim would provide some similar details of what happened to each.

Edited by Tank0123
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Bravil was restored to some degree. There were riots in the city in 4E 188 which is 13 years after the White-Gold Concordant. Skingrad was probably attacked as the lore states they were surrounded. I think Anvil was hurt hard too. The Thalmor were marching toward Hammerfall, they didn't get any further north than Imperial City.

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