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Essential - whats it do?


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As a lot of people likely do, I am using UFO and making my followers essential so they dont die.


However I have noticed that when they are NOT essential....they go down pretty qucik, bout as quick as I do. Which I like, ive modded skyrim out to be hard as balls to balance having lots of companions.


However soon as I turn em essential they become jesus. I post this after watching lydia run in and fight a group of bandit highewaymen, she almost went down, took out 3 of em (one kills me in 2 hits), then right as the third was about to die, sven kills it, Lydia goes to full hp, runs into anohter fight. Wait what, full hp?!


So I take a more interested look while in the fight and notice Lydia and Sven are both regaining health while fighting. At quite a decent rate, as if they had permenant histskin on.


what the hell does essential do? I thought it just made em not die!

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