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Enable other languages


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I'm trying to activate other languages of Fallout New Vegas by modifying extracted ISO files like it is said :


"LANGUAGES: English . You can enable other languages but you'll have to change a couple of files in the ISO to do so"


I tried to open the following files with BSA Extractor : Fallout - Misc.bsa, Fallout - Sound.bsa, Fallout - Textures.bsa, Fallout - Voices1.bsa but I don't know which one I have to modify and how to do?
Could someone help me?
Thank you.


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Have you seen the mod "EggTranslator FNV"? Hopefully it will have complete instructions. (Check the comments for an updated link to it.)


What I have seen is a "FalloutNV_lang.esp" file (in the "Data" folder). It is only needed for "non English" speaking regional versions of the game, so I suspect that is where you will find your ISO.


Do let us know what you find out so we can add that information to the wiki for the next interested individual.



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Download link is not working!

I specify that this is the xbox 360 version that I am trying to modify so I don't know if Egg Translator will work.
I checked in the Data folder but there is no such FalloutNV_lang.esp file.
More precisely, I would like to activate the French language.


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This forum is for the PC version of the game. I misunderstood your question to mean you were attempting to translate the game to a different, unsupported language. We don't have any experience supporting the XBox One or 360 version. As far as I know, you can't "modify" a console game (but I don't even own one so I could be wrong). You can buy different language versions of the game, or with a PC game you can download different language versions from your game vendor support (i.e. Steam or GOG). But I would not expect to be able to switch languages in a console game unless it was a built-in menu option.


Try contacting Xbox Support for assistance.



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