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New Balance Mod?


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hi, is their any Need for a New Balance Mod?.


i making plans to start rewrite a complete new overhaul, but if only 10 people download it's a lot of work wasted.

also a perspectives from 3e will be great, I just a human with a perspective to see things my way witch is not always the right one.


I write the first formula for weapons, still thinking about Bows, have a general idea already


I was thinking in the line as follow.


start by Iron number 2,2 and go's up the tiers)


------------------------ x Type=Damage per second. (weapon speed determent by Weight) heavy=slower

Lente (shorter the blade the lower the number)



Type material

0.3 Dagger 0.8 Battle Axe 2.09 Silver 2.49 Dwarven

0.4 Sword 0.9 War Hammer 2.17 Iron 2.64 Glass

0.5 One handed Axe ??? Bow unknown yet 2.25 Steel 2.71 Dragonbone

0.6 Mace 2.32 Elven 2.73 Ebony

0.7 Great Sword 2.43 Orcish 3.75 Daedric


Iron sword



--------- x 0,4=6.6 DpS





Iron Axe



---------- x0.5=15,9




Glass 2 handed Sword



-------------- x0.7=27,2 DpS



the more weight the weapon the more easy to pierce armor, like in real life.

a Dagger will be best to kill unarmored people, while the sword is general poor but overall better.

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