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A strange, white artifact appears


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Greetings, fellow modders!


I've stumpled upon a strange white artifact, which appears and disappears randomly while playing the game. It's basically under the whole gameworld, and not on any particular texture on the ground. I uploaded a video of it on youtube, so you guys get a better picture of what I'm experiencing, here's the link: Video of the problem


EDIT: Oh, and I've run BOSS, and cleaned any dirty mods aswell.

EDIT2: Fixed the youtube-link


I'm using the latest patch on Skyrim, and a bunch of mods of course, but I have no idea which mod's making this happen, so I need your help of troubleshoothing this. Here's my modlist:http://img803.imageshack.us/img803/7483/modsw.png Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Edited by MikaHoo
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I'm thinking Player Headtracking, or a mod that alters your skeleton has left some lighting information from Blender/Max behind or that you're using a skeleton that's incompatible with headtracking.


I'm not familiar with Move It, but if it affects skeletons it might be playing a part in this issue as well.


Also, why are you using all four Faster Arrows plugins? Use one.

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Move It is just a mod for making the companions of the game move further away whenever they're blocking a path etc. so I doubt that's relevant. About the Faster Arrows, I just installed it with NMM, so at default, it had all those .esp's enabled, and I had no idea I only needed to check one of them.


But anyways, I'm gonna disable the headtracking for now, and see if it fixes the issue. I'll report back!

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Okay, so, I've been trying to figure this thing out, but still no luck. I noticed, that BOSS had a note about Realistic Ragdolls changing the skeleton.nif, so first, I tried deactivating this mod, but no luck. Then I tried two different skeleton.nif-replacers: XP32 and ATTT 4pack, but still no luck. I also tried disabling Player Headtracking, nothing..


So any other suggestions, what I could try, I'm getting kind of annoyed by this :X

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Okay, so, I've been trying to figure this thing out, but still no luck. I noticed, that BOSS had a note about Realistic Ragdolls changing the skeleton.nif, so first, I tried deactivating this mod, but no luck. Then I tried two different skeleton.nif-replacers: XP32 and ATTT 4pack, but still no luck. I also tried disabling Player Headtracking, nothing..


So any other suggestions, what I could try, I'm getting kind of annoyed by this :X


Did you just DISABLE the mod, or wholly remove it?

Try removing all mods that alter skeleton.

> meshes/actors/character is the path I think.

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Okay, so I uninstalled all the mods that could affect skeleton.nif, and for a while it seemed to fix the problem, but now the bug showed up again. I also deleted the folders from said path (..meshes/actors/character) right after uninstalling the mods.


Any other advice you guys could give me? :/

Edited by MikaHoo
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