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Hot Off the Cart / Hot Off the Block (Alt starts)


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Hi folks. thank you for the hard work! I have a couple related mod requests.


I know there are alternate start mods - but I am specifically hoping for two that don't skip Helgen and don't put me somewhere else.


Hot Off the Cart - just skips the wagon ride & starts right after dropping to the ground. Then it would play the sequence normally, including character creation. I think this is what most people would like, if they are playing desktop.

  • It would be cool to have a mod installer for Vortex with the option "Don't bend down to the block"


Hot Off the Block - starts you with character creation at the chopping block. After character creation you don't bend over to the block. but Alduin still roars and you see all that. Then it would play the rest of Helgen normally. I think this is what folks playing with VR would like the most, because if you use VRIK, etc., bending down to the block doesn't work right and breaks immersion.


Patches for other Helgen mods would be cool - I think there is one that adds more survivors to Helgen, and that sounded fun.



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