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Game freezes if disactivate any mod


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Ok so here's the problem.


When I disable a mod, skyrim ask me if I want to continue loading because "This save relies on some content that is no longer present". When I hit "Yes" It would normally continue loading, but it doesn't. It freezes.

I've Recently bought the game. I used to play on a torrented version, with a lot of mods. I could activate them and than disactivate them as I pleased. Now, I cant even test a mod, because I'm stuck with it.

I'm a bit mad about this. And I also noticed that I don't see buildings unless Im very close to the city, even if I have all render distances to max.


I also use NMM since I've bought the game. Before that, I used to just mess in the data folder.


Now here's what I do to delete a mod.


1- Open the NMM, than under "Mods", I disactivate the selected mod, than delete it.

2- Launch Skyim using Skyrim script extender.

3- Hit "Continue", than skyrim says : "This save relies on content that is no longer available. Continue loading ? Yes No"

4- Hit Yes

5- Get mad because It freezes.


Any mod will do this. From DIMONISED UNP to a basic Immersive armors mod or Climates of tamriel.. I just instaled Lanterns of skyrim, 2x Brighter Preset and I cant get rid of it.



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