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Something to spend the septims: making a positive impact


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-improve or allow for building an enhanced orphanage, nicer amenities or improve the one present. Those you cannot adopt can be directed to these nicer location(s).


-regardless of which side you choose, assist and overhaul the grey quarter out of pocket if you have to. I'd honestly love to provide them nicer homes than their racist community members.


-establish argonian and khajiit settlements where they are self sustaining and have actual homes, migrating away from slave labor locals and/or solely khajiiti caravans. Those needed only return for work hours for gameplay purposes.


-allow for not just a single septim but warmer clothing to be given to beggars or allow them to stay in your purchases houses.


-overtake bandit locations (I'm experimenting with a single mod that toys with this), but it would be nice if it be further expanded as locations of working class self-sufficiency.


You end up all powerful with a disgusting amount of gold, its sad there isn't more routes to being a more positive force for change.

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This is actually very easy to do, you don't even need quests.


Similar to the functionality of buying upgrades for your home, you have a dialog option that when selected and the Gold is given activates an X marker that turns on a bunch of meshes that you have placed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not talking about player homes, and its not something that can be done in the vanilla game. I'm referring more to a progressive improvement, be it by labor or monetary contribution to turn, say, the grey quarter from being a slum. put beggars into homes, establish settlements for khajiiti and/or argonians who are mistreated... hell, even remove the essential marker from a few key racist individuals and lead a revolt to change the political climate.. but that last one might be a bit too expansive.

Edited by crysonna
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