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Warden's Chest


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I've decided to make a Skyrim "comedy/musical" movie (of a sort) and was wondering if anyone could whip up a small mod for me. It should be simple, but too complex for a non-modder like me. All I need is a few things to start.


In the "Warden's Chest" in Helgen Keep, I would need:

1. 50,000 Gold

2. 1 Dragonbone Bow

3. 1000 Dragonbone Arrows

4. 200 Lockpicks

5. Flute


Real simple (I hope!). OR, if possible, is there any thing simple I can do to make this happen. I don't want to utilize console command as I want it to appear in the video. Please let me know if anyone is willing to make this for me. I need the flute added as I play an American Indian Wooden Flute in real life and want to perform some music in-game.



Edited by YellowOwl1971
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