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Area effect weapons attacks


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Firstly, hello everyone :) This is my first post in a while.


I've recently started modding Skyrim and I'm struggling to get it to do what I want.


Essentially for my first mod I want to create a warhammer that allows you to strike the ground with a power attack and knock everyone around you backwards.


I have a magic effect that checks if the player is power-attacking and has more than 0 stamina, it then mimics the unrelenting force shout within an area of 20 of the player.


It mostly works as I want it to, however I can only apply the effect to weapons if it's activated through contact, which means that in order to take effect a character has to be targeted. Ideally I'd like it so I could use the ability anywhere to strike down multiple people pursuing me or just knock items around :P


Oh and it also doesn't affect items :/


Does anyone know of a way that I can get this to:

  1. Not require striking an actor
  2. Affect items


Thanks for reading :)

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