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Only mods with .esp working.


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I am playing on cracked skyrim version

I am using the nexus mod manager, the mods with .esp all work fine but then i get to the mods that have no .esp files and they never work you know the ones that only mess with textures and meshes

i have updated my game to 1.8, i done all the steps i know that need to be done like unlocking data files from being grayed out by going to pref and bEnableFileSelection=1 and i do click on everythign that can be clicked on on data files as well as the nexsus mod manager

i use the nexus manager all the time just to make sure i am doing thigns right, i have uninstall and reinstall the mods several times, i have tried uninstalling the esp mods and letting only my texture/meshes mods installed to see if it was some bad interface and nothing.

i am out of ideas here anyone that can give me a perspective on what i am doing wrong.

and of course all my fav mods dont have .esp

like my leonidus character with this is sparta shout its missing his spartan armor shield and weapon :(

and my tom cruise last samurai character has no samurai armor/kimono mods.

any help wud be greatly appreciated.


Only help for pirates here on the Nexus is help overboard! <splash> :pirate:

Edited by Thandal
poster banned.
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