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Far Cry

More animal species, air vehicles and houses


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it would be good if there were more animals like cats, gorillas or rhinos and way more water creatures. air vehicles like helicopters and planes with airports. Customizable houses. Third person vehicle views and perhaps even a scuba tank for diving. A difficulty setting even lower than 'easy' MAKE THESE MODS! (also, what program do u use to mod fc3 - a link to to program would be appreciated). Edited by jblackham66
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it would be good if there were more animals like cats, gorillas or rhinos and way more water creatures. air vehicles like helicopters and planes with airports. Customizable houses. Third person vehicle views and perhaps even a scuba tank for diving. A difficulty setting even lower than 'easy' MAKE THESE MODS! (also, what program do u use to mod fc3 - a link to to program would be appreciated).


I completely agree with you on this. Whales and Dolphins would be awesome. And maybe a jet pack to cruise around the island and take-in all the spectacular scenery from any angle :)

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