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Does anyone want to make new skills?


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Most people are under the quite mistaken impression that new skills cannot be added to the game. I'd like to correct that notion, with the addendum that new actor values cannot be added to the game. However, skills can be simulated quite well through script. I've made two mods already exploiting the trick I use, so if anyone has a good idea for a skill I'll make it and write the tutorial as I do. When I release it I'll credit you as the idea person, and the tutorial will go into posterity. If anyone is interested.
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i would like a spell called burning speed where it has the move animation of whirlwind shout and leaves a trail of fire(fire atronach animation?) and at the end deals X amount of dmg and at the end does a fire ball graphic aoe. if you can, you can try to do if the target is on fire burning speed will stagger the target. so u can kinda combo it. Sorry if i am too picky. I will post here if i come up with another idea thanks for reading.
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By skill, do you mean like archery and heavy armour? Because if so, I'd love a reflexes skill that improves when you use fast weapons and causes increasingly common slo mo in combat, ala the better vampires mod.

Yes, that is what I meant. I can look into doing that for you, but it might take a little while.

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