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Mod and Graphics issues


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Hello! I've got two issues (I seem to run into a bunch of these):

  1. TWM Falkreath Ranger (Armor mod)
  2. Graphics Issues


Firstly, the mod for the Falkreath armor is equiped to one of my followers, and a part of the clothing stretches all the way across my screen 80% of the time. I can temporarily fix this by unequipping and equipping it again, or by using the You Know... dialogue command (from another mod). But if I go into a town/building/dungeon the problem happens again. I'm attaching a screenshot for this issue for better clarification:



Secondly, my graphics issue I'm having deals with shading. Sometimes the shadows cover my entire screen (just looks like the sun isn't out, or not shining brightly), but if I turn everything looks like it's supposed to. And then sometimes random shadows cover different parts of my screen (as if I'm looking through a dark pixelated bush). This issue doesn't occur as often, but I haven't found a temporary fix. I've also looked into this ENB mod, but it just seems to enhance graphics rather than fix them...unless I wasn't looking at the right one.


All help and support is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

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i had the same problem with another mod.


the only solutions are author's fixing or deactivating mod

Is there no way we could use the CK to fix it ourselves? But then again I'd have to know what to look for :/ which I don't. Crap. Thanks for the response.

Edited by ENergyzed
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