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Game wont start, patch wont install, have googled to no avail.


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I keep getting this "ordinal not found" error.


Im positive its related to games for windows live because I used the thing in FOMM to disable it but when I did that my DLC did not load and it didn't let me install the patch. This is with the GOTY edition.


Any help would be appreciated. At my wits end.

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Dweedle - Hello!


"I keep getting this "ordinal not found" error."


That is normally caused by Games for Windows - LIVE.


Either update Games for Windows - LIVE:




Or if you don't use the annoying thing like me use the built in disabler in FOMM under Tools - Install Tweaker.


Or try:




"I used the thing in FOMM to disable it but when I did that my DLC did not load"


I use the FOMM Windows Live disabler & my DLC's work fine.


Did you install them while using Windows Live? As they will be stored in a place other than your Data folder & will need to be moved as mentioned here:




Or that second Windows Live Disabler I linked too has a move DLC's option built in.


Also try installing the DLC's fresh AFTER using the Fake Windos Live option in FOMM.


"and it didn't let me install the patch."


If you have the GOTY Fallout 3, then you don't need any of the official patches as that's already up to date (


Hope this helps!



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Found a mod under utilities last night fixed my prob :D even though it move all my skyrim and new vegas DLC into my fallout 3 folder -_- after fixing that up it worked fine. I should of bought FO3 on steam not in retail.. ah well, it workin now.
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