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Far Cry

Hardcore Mode


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Great game so far, but one thing is really bothering me.

The camera tagging makes no sense at all. I mean, why on earth would looking at enemies with a camera allow them to be viewed through walls like a wallhack?!? That mechanic ruins the game for me, because it affects the surprise (you are not going to unexpectedly encounter an enemy face to face) and "real life" factor of the game, so I decided to NOT use the camera.

Problem now is the minimap. I can see in the minimap where are the enemies, and where are they facing, making things a little too easy.

Those two things ruin the hardcore factor for me.

Then there is the syringes that enable yet another wallhack and let you see animals and enemies, but you don't have to use them. Let's be honest, ubi put those in the game so kids don't start complaining that they can't find animals when hunting. Well, I think hunting without them is a blast and much more entertaining.


If Ubi doesn't release a patch to address those things, I think we need a hardcore mod that at least:


  2. You can use the camera to look at a distance, useful for scouting enemy camps. But it DOESN'T tag enemies or animals.
  3. Minimap doesn't show enemies at all.


  • No syringes that enable any kind of enhanced perception (which are nothing more than a wallhack). Perhaps no syringes at all, except for the one for your health.


Other items in the map that you don't want to see, you can disable them.

Other things I am not so sure if they would make the game too much of a chore, for example disabling items flashing.

Edited by AofDark
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Great game so far, but one thing is really bothering me.

The camera tagging makes no sense at all. I mean, why on earth would looking at enemies with a camera allow them to be viewed through walls like a wallhack?!? That mechanic ruins the game for me, because it affects the surprise (you are not going to unexpectedly encounter an enemy face to face) and "real life" factor of the game, so I decided to NOT use the camera.

Problem now is the minimap. I can see in the minimap where are the enemies, and where are they facing, making things a little too easy.

Those two things ruin the hardcore factor for me.

Then there is the syringes that enable yet another wallhack and let you see animals and enemies, but you don't have to use them. Let's be honest, ubi put those in the game so kids don't start complaining that they can't find animals when hunting. Well, I think hunting without them is a blast and much more entertaining.


If Ubi doesn't release a patch to address those things, I think we need a hardcore mod that at least:


  2. You can use the camera to look at a distance, useful for scouting enemy camps. But it DOESN'T tag enemies or animals.
  3. Minimap doesn't show enemies at all.


  • No syringes that enable any kind of enhanced perception (which are nothing more than a wallhack). Perhaps no syringes at all, except for the one for your health.


Other items in the map that you don't want to see, you can disable them.

Other things I am not so sure if they would make the game too much of a chore, for example disabling items flashing.


There's already plenty of mods around that do either one of these things, or both. Some even disable flashing items. Most of them are compilations, so you'll get some extra stuff along with it. I'm sure there's something around that suits you.


Poor BastUrd : http://farcry.nexusmods.com/mods/4/

30day Compilation : http://farcry.nexusmods.com/mods/30/

Hardcore modpack : http://farcry.nexusmods.com/mods/31/



Came across a file that disables the Wallhack.


Downside is that it's a raw file. So it still needs to be merged with the 1.04 patch.


The guy also suggested a method that does the same, but uses a hex editor on the fc3.dll or fc3_d11.dll.

So both still require some work.

Edited by Urwy
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Interesting. Thanks for the links.

Only problem I see, is some of those modify too many things, more than necessary.


Yeah, they do. I've been browsing some more though, and found this:









There are other options available here. For example I could leave some of the icons at any level of opacity even without the big terrain rendering. Or you could put the health bar's opacity back up. Or remove it entirely. The text, as I said, is a mystery to me for now aside from changing its color.


Here's the basic version. This includes the following changes:

-Everything is now gone from the minimap. No icons, no terrain rendering, nothing's left. The world map is unchanged.

-Health bar is about 40% opacity (it's more visible than the screenshot above). Same for the armor bar.

-The health packs remaining text is no longer white, instead a neutral grey. I couldn't figure out how to make it disappear entirely without introducing a blank font.

-The distance to waypoint text is unchanged. I couldn't find this in any .FEU file, and even if I did the best I could do is make it a different color.


https://dl.dropbox.com/u/45455626/FC...ap_40pHBar.zip (https://dl.dropbox.com/u/45455626/FC3_NoMiniMap_40pHBar.zip)


I might make some other variations if anyone's interested. For example I could put some of the icons back, or make a version with no health/armor bars at all. More importantly feel free to use what I did in your own mod. The files to get rid of the terrain rendering are in _UNKNOWN/gfx, there are 12801 of them and they're 1kb each (9kb if you go get them from your own fc3_main.dat). You also want the transparent "unknown" and "underground" minimap textures in ui\singleplayer\textures\hud\minimap (this is also where you find the textures for the fill on the health/armor bars).



If you don't mind losing the minimap completely i could try and merge this with the 1.04 patch and the wallhack fix. Although i could, with a little luck, circumvent that mods deletion of the minimap terrain. It'd be good practice for me. =)


Edit: Alternatively, i can try merging the wallhack fix with this:


That way you'll have the minimap without enemies and collectables. And no wallhacks. (not sure if it also removes the class icons above the enemy npc's.

But so far it sounds like your list in the OP, doesnt it? :happy:

Edited by Urwy
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